Book Beyond Hope is Touching Lives! "Giving Hope to the Hopeless" Rachael had no idea what God was about to do in her life when she was invited by her church to attend our Pasta with Purpose Fundraiser! It was a setup from God! This was no ordinary fundraiser Lives were changed! "Giving God some Glory" Read Rachael’s testimony below: I was invited to a fundraiser by some ladies at my church. I went with them not knowing much about it. This is where I met Rachelle and I heard her testimony. I was so encouraged and touched by her story, and I decided to buy her book. You see, I have been really struggling with one of my own adult child's addictions. It was getting so bad I thought I might lose them. All I could do is pray for them and lift them up to the Lord. I was really depressed and I was scared for them. After the fundraiser I went home and started reading Rachelle's book "Beyond Hope". I devoured it by the next day. Rachelle's story inspired me and it gave my hope for my own adult child. I felt helpless watching my adult child losing the struggle with addiction, but after reading how Rachelle's mother never gave up on her really encouraged me, because Rachelle is such a success story. I would recommend her book to anyone that is struggling with addiction, and to anyone who is worried about a loved one struggling with addiction. Beyond Hope gave me a sense of peace, hope, understanding, and I am so grateful to Rachelle for writing her story. Rachael Burton
Happy New Year 2025 from all of us at Hope & A Future Ministries The Year of “My story for God’s Glory” As I reflect back on all that God has done this past year, my heart is overwhelmed by the goodness of God! “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring the good news!” Romans 10:15 I cannot tell you how honored and privileged we feel to meet with women weekly at the Jackson County Jail for a Bible study. For the past two years, we have been able to plant many seeds of HOPE and build relationships in the lives of these ladies. We have met some of the most precious women, who have a desire for real change! We have seen lots of tears of sorrow, as well as the joy and gratitude for answered prayers. When a woman is sentenced to prison, we continue to mentor them throughout their prison sentence, through the mail and prison visits. Planting seeds is so much fun! I traveled to Coffee Creek Women’s Prison multiple times this past year (2024) to meet with several women and help them with transitional needs and mentoring. One of the highlights of 2024 was sharing my story of redemption at a Prison Fellowship service with my longtime friends and ministry partners: Retired Corporal Patty Davis (A cop and an ex-con) and Linda Van Dorp. Several ladies received Jesus for the first time! My book, Beyond Hope, was made available to the women. Through this book, they were given renewed hope that they too could change, live a successful life and be restored to their children and families! (Not a dry eye in the place.) Beyond Hope continues to touch incarcerated women and their families. We have gotten many testimonies of the lives that have been changed by this little book. Beyond Hope is giving them hope that no matter “how dark the situation is,” no one is ever beyond hope. I am so overwhelmed by the love and grace of God to bring this hope to so many through, “My story for God’s Glory.” There is nothing more fulfilling than giving people hope! My heart is full! The Well Pen-pal Prison Ministry continues to send cards and letters to our women in prison. The ladies live for the mail. Some have burned so many bridges; they have never even had a visit or received any outside contact. Our hearts are to share the love of Jesus and knock their socks off with cards, letters and notes to let them know they are not forgotten. I can imagine the excitement on their faces as they hear their name called for mail! We continue to provides practical assistance to our women as they transition back into the community. We help with transportation, mentoring and general release planning, coordinating with local resources. These ladies are often released with absolutely nothing. Our Backpack Program is another way to plant seeds and connect with these ladies upon release. The backpacks provide hygiene items and necessities they need. You wouldn’t believe how a backpack, a hug and a big “Welcome Home” blesses them! “We cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive, but we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed.” We are so beyond grateful for your generous hearts to give so selflessly over this past year! NO ONE person COULD DO THIS on their own. It’s all because of the hearts of people like you, that are dedicated to seeing lives set free and transformed. Please continue pray for the ladies, the staff and the Chaplains in the facilities. We have a great respect and appreciation for the work they do. And pray for us as we prepare each week and step into the new opportunities God has for us to set the captives free in 2025! Sincerely, Hope and A Future Ministries, Founder, Rachelle Benthin and the Board of Directors Pasta with A Purpose Fundraiser Please join us as we celebrate women who have been Set Free from chemical dependency and incarceration. Seating is limited so Please RSVP by: October 25th Pasta with A Purpose will consist of: All you can eat pasta with a choice of Sauces, Salad, Breadsticks, Beverage and Desert. Hear life changing testimonie, music, fun keepsake photos, raffles and more! Besides having a great time...our true focus is to raise funds to help us to continue our services, which are to prevent recidivism from the cycle of crime, prison and release. We bring the message of HOPE and our reentry services to the Jackson County Jail and the Oregon State Prison for women. We mentor women throughout their jail and prison sentences and then assist and encourage them as they transition back into the community. Become a Sponsor and Make a Differnce We have sponsorships available for bussiness, churches and anyone who would like to sponsor this event with a finacail doantion to off-set the cost and support our ladies. To RSVP or request a sponsorship form : call the office @ 541-500-1250 8/5/2024 A picture of forgiveness and Grace! The sinful woman who jesus poured out His Grace on!Read NowGod’s Grace in Action: Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman - Luke 7: 36-50 The woman had a very bad reputation in her town, racially and morally she was an outcast. Uninvited, she entered the home of a wealthy religious leader, a Pharisee. Jesus was a guest and was eating dinner when she approached Him, bent down and began to anoint His feet with expensive perfume. Crying, she wiped His feet with her tears. It took great courage for her to walk into a room full of sophisticated, religious leaders—but she had to get to Him! She was forgiven and she had to get to Him! For a woman who was a sinner, possibly a prostitute, to enter the home of a Pharisee and weep at the feet of Jesus had to be an uncomfortable moment for all the guests at the table. Mary had to be conscious of the looks of disapproval sent her way, but that did not stop her from lavishing Jesus with her adoration. She made sure that Jesus knew what an impact He had made on her life. Outraged, the Pharisees began to complain that Jesus was touched by a sinner—but Jesus didn’t push her away. Every time I read this story, I am moved by the compassion and love Jesus showed this woman. The fact that He acknowledged what she had done for Him, once again gives me a picture of the depth of His grace. And in more ways than I can even explain, it challenges me to develop this kind of deep love for our Savior. The story of the sinful woman in the gospels gives us even more insight into how much Jesus loves the sinner, no matter what their past may be. Mary’s alabaster box was her most precious and treasured possession. She had saved up a year’s wages to buy it. This expensive oil was of great value to her. As an act of worship and adoration for the Lord, and gratitude for the depth of grace and forgiveness He gave her, Mary’s alabaster box had to be broken and poured out as an offering unto the Lord. The alabaster box was a symbol of her old sinful life. Though it was very beautiful and costly, but it had no relationship with God. Though she didn’t say a word, her actions spoke volumes. She knew she was forgiven and she was so thankful for all that He had done for her, she just had to get to Jesus! She took her most valuable possession, the jar of oil she saved a whole year for, and kneeling and weeping, with her tears falling on His feet, she kept kissing His feet and pouring the oil on Him. WOW! “I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown Me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” Luke 7:47-48 Once Mary broke the alabaster box and the oil spilled out, there was no going back! It was gone! Just like her old sinful life was now gone, she gave it all to God as an act of worship and repentance! He poured out His grace on her—grace is to favor or honor someone. Jesus honored the sinful woman in this story. He honored her above the religious leaders in that room. Grace is the intentional act of forgiveness which God offers, bestows and gives us. Forgiveness of our sins and old life. He replaces all the past with salvation. Grace is not based on our “religiousness.” The Pharisees in the Bible knew the Law and they looked spiritual, but they didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. They didn’t know Him personally! WOW! Grace is God’s unearned favor Ephesians 2:8-9 shows us that grace is a gift from God, proclaiming, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” This passage underscores that grace is not earned through righteous deeds but generously bestowed upon believers. Grace, in its purest form, is unmerited favor granted to humanity, irrespective of worthiness or merit. It’s not something we can earn. The Pharisees were educated men, they had book knowledge but they didn’t have heart knowledge. But the sinful women was given more grace and honor than any of them. Because she loved much, she was forgiven much. The sinful woman knew the depths of her sin and what she had done in the past, and she knew she had been wholly and completely forgiven. She also knew her forgiveness was not earned through righteous deeds, but though God’s grace alone. Understanding the Concept of Grace in the Bible The concept of grace in the Bible is more than mere kindness or pardon. It shows God’s boundless love and mercy extended to His creation, even when undeserved. This unearned favor is a testament to the following principles:
Luke 7:36-50 NLT tells this story: One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to have dinner with him, so Jesus went to his home and sat down to eat. When a certain immoral woman from that city heard He was eating there, she brought a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume. Then she knelt behind Him at His feet, weeping. Her tears fell on His feet, and she wiped them off with her hair. Then she kept kissing His feet and putting perfume on them. When the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, He would know what kind of woman is touching Him. She’s a sinner!” Then Jesus answered his thoughts. “Simon,” He said to the Pharisee, “I have something to say to you.” “Go ahead, Teacher,” Simon replied. Then Jesus told him this story: “A man loaned money to two people—500 pieces of silver to one and 50 pieces to the other. But neither of them could repay him, so he kindly forgave them both, canceling their debts. Who do you suppose loved him more after that?” Simon answered, “I suppose the one for whom he canceled the larger debt.” “That’s right,” Jesus said. Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Look at this woman kneeling here. When I entered your home, you didn’t offer Me water to wash the dust from My feet, but she has washed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You didn’t greet Me with a kiss, but from the time I first came in, she has not stopped kissing My feet. You neglected the courtesy of olive oil to anoint My head, but she has anointed my feet with rare perfume. “I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” The men at the table said among themselves, “Who is this man, that He goes around forgiving sins?” And Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” More Examples of Grace * The woman caught in the act of adultery - John 8:1-11 * The woman at the well - John 4 * The prodigal son – Luke 15:11-32 * Peter’s restoration after he betrayed Jesus – acts 9: 1-19 * The conversion of Saul - Acts 9:1-19 Paul went from a murderer to preaching the Gospel * David’s sin with Bathsheba – 2 Samuel 7:15 and 2 Samuel 11 * David was a man after God’s own heart but he sinned with Bathsheba and even killed her husband and covered it up. But David had repented from his heart when he messed up! He asked for forgiveness. Psalm 50:10-12 Come Celebrate the One Year Anniversary of Beyond Hope’s Publication at Evangel Join us Saturday, May 4th from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at Evangel Bookstore in the Rogue Valley Mall, Medford, Oregon To celebrate Beyond Hope’s one-year Birthday we will have cupcakes and refreshments available. We are celebrating a 20-year dream that has become a reality and all that God has done in the lives that have been touched and changed by Rachelle’s book, Beyond Hope. Beyond Hope, Rachelle’s true-life story, is changing lives inside prisons and jails, as well as out on the streets. This book is easy to read, and a wonderful gift for anyone affected by addiction. This is an amazing story of restoration and redemption. From prisoner #6560891 aka Rachelle “Shelly “Benthin from the darkest pit of addiction and crime to founder of Hope and a Future Ministries. This is a gut-wrenching story of loss and consequences. Yet through the darkest days Rachelle found Hope Beyond all hope. Come meet Rachelle, the author of Beyond Hope, get a picture and your book signed. We will have beyond hope books for Purchase at this event. All proceeds will go back into Hope and A Future Ministries to Support our ladies. Hope is a powerful thing – If you know someone who needs Hope bring them to this event! “A huge heartfelt THANK you to evangel for hosting this event” Lets support our local Christian bossiness and share the message of Hope Book Review Below This book is absolutely inspiring! Whether you are a recovering addict or know someone who is, this book will touch your heart. I could not put it down! A true testimony of what God can do. Such a beautiful message of hope, a must read! Ashley |
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