Kristen's Story
In 2006 I made a horrible decision that put me in prison for 7 ½ years. As I was preparing for my release back into the community I had no idea where I was going. One day I was sitting at work in the prison and a woman came in and told me about The Freedom House. My boss kicked me and said “Kirsten that’s where you’re going, get that address.” So I got the address and wrote Rachelle. She sent me an application to be a mentee and then assigned me a mentor. My mentor and I began writing and now that I’m out we’re building a new friendship. It worked out that I was approved to come live at the Freedom House and Rachelle picked me up from the prison. She brought me clothes and took me for my first breakfast. There has been many times where things have fallen into place, that it can only be the work of God. It’s been a huge relief having her by my side as I re-enter the community. Jan who is my mentor took me to the grocery store and it was so overwhelming I couldn’t even pick out a salad dressing. And having Rachelle there for my first trip to Wal-Mart was a God send. I can’t imagine trying to do these things on my own. Now that I’m home I’m rebuilding the relationships with my family and have weekly visits with my daughter. I feel blessed and honored to be in this home and supported by the women of Hope and a Future. With Rachelle’s help I’m building a positive Christian support system. I now know that I will NEVER again need to rely on my own strength. I am extremely grateful for this experience. I have hope for my future.