
I'am a Daughter of The King!
Rachelle Benthin is the Founder of Hope and a Future Ministries. The joy of Rachelle's heart is sharing her story and helping broken women receive real freedom! She loves going into the jails and prisons to bring the message of hope and share what God can do in broken lives!
Motivated by her own experiences as a formerly incarcerated woman, Rachelle has made it her mission to help women break every chain and walk them into real freedom. Today she is a powerful voice for women who bear the scars of addiction, brokenness and incarceration. It is Rachelle’s belief that by providing women with guidance and discipleship to help develop life skills they will become active, positive and productive members in their communities. Her Motto is “As long as there is breath there is hope. “
When you meet her you notice she seems to be perfectly suited to the ministries that she pours her heart and her life into. She’s a natural and it appears as though she was born for it. She is certainly doing the work God prepared for her, but when she tells her story and the road she traveled to get where she is today, it isn’t what you would expect to hear.
Rachelle’s story
I was very fearful as a child. I discovered at 13 years old that if I drank alcohol life didn’t seem as scary. The crowd I ran with ditched school regularly to get high and by 16 I had dropped out of school all together. By 18 I was pregnant and married. My son was born and two years later I had my daughter. Shortly after she was born I began working in a restaurant with a bar and it wasn’t long before I was drinking and hanging out with the wrong people again, which then led to drugs. Because of the lifestyle I chose, my kids were robbed of having a mom. For the next 10 years I was either getting high or attempting to stop getting high and in and out of jail and prison.
Rachelle Benthin is the Founder of Hope and a Future Ministries. The joy of Rachelle's heart is sharing her story and helping broken women receive real freedom! She loves going into the jails and prisons to bring the message of hope and share what God can do in broken lives!
Motivated by her own experiences as a formerly incarcerated woman, Rachelle has made it her mission to help women break every chain and walk them into real freedom. Today she is a powerful voice for women who bear the scars of addiction, brokenness and incarceration. It is Rachelle’s belief that by providing women with guidance and discipleship to help develop life skills they will become active, positive and productive members in their communities. Her Motto is “As long as there is breath there is hope. “
When you meet her you notice she seems to be perfectly suited to the ministries that she pours her heart and her life into. She’s a natural and it appears as though she was born for it. She is certainly doing the work God prepared for her, but when she tells her story and the road she traveled to get where she is today, it isn’t what you would expect to hear.
Rachelle’s story
I was very fearful as a child. I discovered at 13 years old that if I drank alcohol life didn’t seem as scary. The crowd I ran with ditched school regularly to get high and by 16 I had dropped out of school all together. By 18 I was pregnant and married. My son was born and two years later I had my daughter. Shortly after she was born I began working in a restaurant with a bar and it wasn’t long before I was drinking and hanging out with the wrong people again, which then led to drugs. Because of the lifestyle I chose, my kids were robbed of having a mom. For the next 10 years I was either getting high or attempting to stop getting high and in and out of jail and prison.

After 10 years of that lifestyle I reached a point where I felt like an outcast, a used up human being, I’d given up thinking I could ever be free of drugs and alcohol, my dreams were gone and shattered. I had no hope that my life would ever change. In and out of jail and prison. They called me a statewide offender.
But, I had a mom and sister that never gave up praying for me. My sister would tell me; “I don’t care what it looks like, God has a plan for your life and as long as you are breathing I’m going to fight for you.” Even when they didn’t know where I was, they prayed. Sometimes they even “prayed me into jail” because they wanted me safe. One of my sisters kept pushing me to go to a retreat with their church, and so reluctantly I went. At the retreat the evangelist speaker spoke a prophetic word into my life that set in motion my deliverance. She said God had plans for my life for good and not for evil and that I would be a light to many people in the darkness that God was bringing me out of.
But, I had a mom and sister that never gave up praying for me. My sister would tell me; “I don’t care what it looks like, God has a plan for your life and as long as you are breathing I’m going to fight for you.” Even when they didn’t know where I was, they prayed. Sometimes they even “prayed me into jail” because they wanted me safe. One of my sisters kept pushing me to go to a retreat with their church, and so reluctantly I went. At the retreat the evangelist speaker spoke a prophetic word into my life that set in motion my deliverance. She said God had plans for my life for good and not for evil and that I would be a light to many people in the darkness that God was bringing me out of.
A few months later, I was continuing in my lifestyle and it was at that time, while in jail, in one of the darkest times of my life that I went to a church service being offered. The woman that came in to minister said; “I have a scripture for one of you ladies but I don’t know who it is for.” She quoted Jeremiah 29:11 and somehow I just knew that this was a promise for me.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a hope and a future.”
Although the enemy tried his best to steal that promise from me, God was faithful, and as I cried out to Him from my jail cell He delivered me and has been there for me every step of the way.
When I got out of jail, my family brought me to the Medford Gospel Mission Women’s Shelter where I was able to be in a safe place and sit at the Lord’s feet for a year and learn of Him. He promised me that if I would seek Him first and His kingdom that all my needs would be met, and that He would be my Provider. He hasn’t let me down yet. It was during this time that Hope and a Future Ministries was birthed. She served at the Medford Gospel Mission for 14 years the last 5 years as the Associate Director, helping others find that place of peace and healing at His feet. Today I have over 22 years clean and sober.
Hope and a Future Ministries is the dream of my heart, I have a dream to see ladies that are broken, lost and scared find the same hope I found when I began looking in the right places. One of my greatest joys was to visit a prison with my daughter in 2007. My daughter used to visit me in prison, but that day she was going in the prison with me to speak to other women who were getting ready to face their own children upon their release. We gave them HOPE that they could be restored back to their children. Now that’s a complete 180 degree turn around. What the enemy means for evil God turns it around for good! I now have a loving relationship with both of my children and I’m overjoyed to be a part of my 4 grandchildren's lives. There was a time I never dreamed these things were possible for me. When you have had so many broken and shattered dreams it is hard to dream again. When I meet new ladies I like to ask them; “Would you like to dream again?” Almost always the answer is yes!
Sincerely-Founder, Rachelle Benthin
[email protected]
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a hope and a future.”
Although the enemy tried his best to steal that promise from me, God was faithful, and as I cried out to Him from my jail cell He delivered me and has been there for me every step of the way.
When I got out of jail, my family brought me to the Medford Gospel Mission Women’s Shelter where I was able to be in a safe place and sit at the Lord’s feet for a year and learn of Him. He promised me that if I would seek Him first and His kingdom that all my needs would be met, and that He would be my Provider. He hasn’t let me down yet. It was during this time that Hope and a Future Ministries was birthed. She served at the Medford Gospel Mission for 14 years the last 5 years as the Associate Director, helping others find that place of peace and healing at His feet. Today I have over 22 years clean and sober.
Hope and a Future Ministries is the dream of my heart, I have a dream to see ladies that are broken, lost and scared find the same hope I found when I began looking in the right places. One of my greatest joys was to visit a prison with my daughter in 2007. My daughter used to visit me in prison, but that day she was going in the prison with me to speak to other women who were getting ready to face their own children upon their release. We gave them HOPE that they could be restored back to their children. Now that’s a complete 180 degree turn around. What the enemy means for evil God turns it around for good! I now have a loving relationship with both of my children and I’m overjoyed to be a part of my 4 grandchildren's lives. There was a time I never dreamed these things were possible for me. When you have had so many broken and shattered dreams it is hard to dream again. When I meet new ladies I like to ask them; “Would you like to dream again?” Almost always the answer is yes!
Sincerely-Founder, Rachelle Benthin
[email protected]