2 Corinthians 3:3
"This letter is not written with pen and ink, but with the spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone,
but on human hearts.”
The WellHope and a Future is now reaching into the Prison cell with a Pen Pal and Bible Correspondence connection that we are calling "The Well". We are referring to John 4 where the woman at the well has an encounter with Jesus. A woman who was looked down on and of low reputation. A woman that Jesus went out of his way that day to encounter for the purpose of giving her Living Waters of eternal salvation. Because of the story of this woman many believed. God rewrote her future, gave her hope, and used her mightily. It is our desire to communicate this hope to women who are imprisoned because of past unhealthy thirsts, mentoring them right where they are, and encouraging them to walk boldly in the new life that Jesus Christ has given them. We will do this through one-on-one discipleship with letters and Bible correspondence courses. Teaching them to daily dip in the well.
Contact:Hope and a Future Ministries
Attn: Rachelle P.O. Box 8503 Medford, OR 97501 E-mail: |